Alluvial Decoder
Site-specific project for Raleigh Arts and Raleigh Stormwater by A Gang of Three (Lincoln Hancock, Will Belcher, William Dodge). Completed 2023.
View from across Crabtree Creek
Flood markers along greenway path
Alluvial Decoder is a site-specific intervention along the City of Raleigh greenway on the banks of Crabtree Creek. The project educates greenway visitors about the floodplain and the history of flooding at the site. Environmental graphics and twenty-five color-coded steel markers make tangible the magnitude of some of the most intense floods the city has experienced, while improving visibility and understanding both on the path and from surrounding streets.
Graphic elements in the underpass entry decode flood markers and provide context while native meadow landscape elements create a natural riparian zone along the trail. By serving as an experiential reminder of storms past (and those to come), this project sheds light on the hazards of development, the wonder and fury of nature, and the simple steps we might take to mitigate such challenges now and in the future.
The impact of an immersive experience in particular is much greater than simply printing a sign or telling a story. As an artwork, Alluvial Decoder was designed with careful attention to concept, aesthetics, and the history surrounding the site — all while being executed on an extraordinarily tight budget and with significant site constraints.
—Kelly McChesney, Public Art Director, City of Raleigh
Project under construction, 2021. (Blue Ridge Rd. and Crabtree Valley Mall on the left)
First flood, January 2021
Through the Alluvial Decoder project, the designers have invited the curious to seek an understanding of Raleigh’s flooding history, and through this journey participate in conversations surrounding the environmental and public safety benefits of critical issues such as floodplain management and ecologically sensitive development.
—Wayne Miles, Stormwater Program Manager, City of Raleigh
Detail of mural and site key
Under 18’ of water in Jan. 2022
Return of meadow along the creek bank
Pano view of full site and 25 markers